Face Feeling AI Emotion Therapy, find out how you or your friends feel! Artificial intelligence learned from emotional photo data notifies you of emotions and features with your face. You don't even need to sign up, check it out right on the screen! No photo data is stored or transmitted anywhere. Try testing my facial emotions as seen by artificial intelligence! Share it with your friends too! How is your friend feeling right now? depressed? happiness? Facial emotion tests allow you to know how you and your friends are and respond appropriately.
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이 포스팅은 제휴마케팅의 활동의 일환으로 이에 따른 일정액의 수수료를 제공받고 있어요
AI is analyzing your emotions... (for about 5 seconds)
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이 포스팅은 제휴마케팅의 활동의 일환으로 이에 따른 일정액의 수수료를 제공받고 있어요